Dudley, ulianzaje kufanya kazi za mitindo?
zamani nilikuwa napenda sana boxing na ndo mchezo nilikuwa
nacheza , ila taratibu nikaanza kujiiingiza katika modelling na mwaka
2009 ndo mwaka nilioanza kazi ya mitindo rasmi,
kabla ya hapo ulikuwa unapenda mambo ya mitindo ?
[kicheko]duh, nilikuwa hata sijui mitindo ni nini! .
[Laughs]uliwezaje sasa kuwa mwanamasumbwi na bado ukafanya na modelling?
Starting modelling kinda helped me in the boxing ring as I used
to just stand in the centre of the ring & have a war, and end up
coming out with a face the colour of a rainbow, so over time I
realised that this wasn’t really a good
game plan so I learned to not be hit, and it worked. If I’m in a
championship then I have to train like everyday so boxing comes first
and I don’t really model as much.
What was it like being in a spread with the ‘iconic’ David Gandy?
Yeah it was sick (in a good way) not like you get to be on the
same shoot as a supermodel everyday, or even in your entire career.
Do you think that the world of fashion has taught you anything that you can apply to your everyday life?
Yeah, never judge a book by it’s cover. No matter how crazy you
think they look or seem, they’re most probably one of the coolest people
you’ll ever meet.
Now that you have a bit more ‘fashion sense’ [Laughs] what would your ideal summer outfit be?
Summer? Whats that, [Laughs] well in England we just have rain
& grey skies. A pair of Nike blazers, Levi’s denim Shorts, Givenchy
Tee, Vivienne Westwood neckless, Links of London bracelet, super bowl
ring. Casual…the loudest one in the room is the weakest!
So, do you do anything special to prepare for an upcoming shoot?
Not really, I just try to go to bed early and plan my journey the
night before so I can just get ready and go in the morning and go!
What do you like best about being a model?
The people, I’ve met some amazing lifetime friends through the
industry and I’ve got memories that will last forever. Oh and the food
Food!? [Haha] I too think that meeting people is the best part. Is there any model in particular that you’d like to work with?
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