Dear my Geust! There Six steps of Having a Pefrect Kiss!
but today lets start With this two steps and others Next Week!
Step One -
1. Getting Cleared for Takeoff
Key Elements:
Eye Contact, Facial Expression
It's always best to avoid the 'ambush' kiss (although these can be exciting as your relationship progresses).
By looking into your partner's eyes, you will be not only sending the message that you like them and want to be closer to them, but you will be receiving messages as well.
A warm, kind smile (even a slight smile is good, it doesn't have to be BIG) is what you want to see and what you want your partner to see to get the green light.
Just as important as the look on his/her face is where he or she is looking.
While looking down may be a sign of shyness rather than lack of interest, glancing away, or even worse, noticing someone else, indicates that this is definitely not the right time, right place or, perhaps, not even the right person
Step Two -
2. Final Instrument Check
Key Elements:
Closeness, Alignment, Physical Touch
As you move closer to that magical kiss, you don't want to be leaning forward awkwardly to get there.
Not only will moving closer send signals to your partner, but you want your body to be in a comfortable position during the kiss, so you can enjoy every moment of it.
You may want to actually touch the person just before the kiss. While a hand lightly on the face is a definite signal of intimacy, even holding hands combined with eye contact and a warm look can get your 'flight' confirmed.
Just like taxiing onto the runway, you want to make sure you are aligned correctly at this point.
This means not only getting your lips on track with theirs, but getting the head tilted correctly as well.
If you tilt your head slightly to one side first, your partner will likely react and tilt the other way. Watch for their tilt as well- if they've beaten you to the tilt, simply lean your head the other way and begin to move in.