Organic Underwear





Men of all ages are increasingly aware of the choices that are available when it comes to underwear.
OK, so you may think most men don’t care because nobody can see what’s beneath their trousers.
It used to be so simple – briefs or boxers? Black or White? Where’s the nearest M&S?
Well things seem to be changing. The post ‘metro-sexual’ man may well be trying to regain their machismo, but they are clinging on to the moisturiser, ‘useful’ man-bag, and quality underpants!
Why the change? Any of the below may be the answer:
1. The David Beckham effect – following the high profile poster campaign, briefs are seriously back in fashion after a couple of decades. This may not directly influence a heterosexual guy, but it certainly influences the wives and girlfriends who are often responsible for the purchasing of the underwear.
2. The baggy trouser trend – allowing the waistband (and often more) to be exposed – therefore making the ‘right’ underwear more essential. Calvin Klein is the most popular choice when it comes to displaying a brand name.
3. Fun – colour and pattern are the latest trends (some very retro patterns in the case of the Bjorn Borg Label!). The Calvin Klein 365 range have really caught on – with Joe Swash (ex-Eastender) displaying his in the Jungle, and Zac Efron (High School Musical) displaying his in the tabloids whilst wandering down the beach with his co-star girlfriend Vanessa Hudgens.
4. It’s not just the youngsters either - Jeremy Paxman famously spoke out against his usual high street brand, complaining they no longer provided ‘adequate support’. He said that ‘these are matters of great concern to the men of Britain’.
5. On-line shopping. The increase in on-line shopping has brought a bigger range of options to men – they are no longer restricted to just visiting a small display in the corner of a Department Store.
So who knows why exactly, but increasingly men do care – and so do we